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What is E-commerce Startups?

Ecommerce startups are businesses that sell their goods or services over the Internet. They often start out as a single person or group of individuals who want to sell their products online. The term ecommerce was coined in 1994 by Marc Andreessen, cofounder of Netscape. In 1999, Amazon launched its first website, www.amazon.com, selling books […]

Start A Drop shipping Business

How would you describe your ideal job? If you had the chance to start over today, what would you do differently? What would you change or improve? You might already be thinking about starting your own business. Maybe you want to become a freelancer, or maybe you want to go into entrepreneurship. Whatever your dream […]

Startup Business Ideas That Can Make You Money

What would you say if I told you that you can start earning money from home today? If you want to earn extra income without having to quit your day job, then you should consider starting your own side hustle. In this article, we’ll share some ideas on how to start a profitable side hustle. […]

The Role Of Technology In Social Entrepreneurship

How does technology play a role in social entrepreneurship? Social entrepreneurs are those who develop innovative solutions to problems faced by society. They often operate outside the mainstream economy and their activities can range from creating new businesses to improving existing ones. Social enterprises are organizations that combine profit with a social mission. Technology plays […]